Eterneva Is My New Favorite Company!
As an affiliate of this company, I may receive a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my link, but you will not pay anything additional and your support helps me keep helping others. I only promote products I love! This is one of them!
I love Eterneva so much and I want to explain how I got to this conclusion. I always knew that you could turn cremated ashes into jewelry, but! What I didn’t know, is that you can turn hair into jewelry!! Not just jewelry by the way, but diamonds!
When I learned this, I knew I had to share this information with my community fast! For those of you who don’t know me yet, my name is Heather and I lost my husband Barry to cancer in February of 2021. Check out my website if you haven’t had a chance yet and by subscribing you can get a free checklist to help you get organized after the loss of a loved one, just for joining me on this journey.
I had heard of people turning cremated ashes into jewelry before, but we planned to have my husband buried, so I thought this didn’t apply as an option for us.
After the loss of my husband, I loved wearing his clothes and did almost anything I could think of to feel him close to me. If only I had known that I could have made a beautiful diamond that represented his amazingness and could wear it right next to my heart at all times…. game changer!
What Sets Eterneva Apart?
If you’re at all like me, losing someone you cherish has created a lot of new emotions within you. Among them, feeling a need for control (because let’s face it, we have minimal lately). So the idea of sending out your loved one and turning their ashes into jewelry is nerve-racking!
Even if you’re sending out hair, I’m sure it’s crossed your mind- What will they do with the unused part? Will they take care of your loved one in a manner they deserved to be handled with?
Well the answer with Eterneva is Yes, Yes, Yes! And you don’t have to take my word for it, they video every step of the process!
What’s more?!? They send back any unused remains!
What’s MORE?!? They hand deliver your loved one’s beautiful diamond to your door!! Yes, seriously (and they don’t even charge you more to do it)!
So whether you’re turning cremated ashes into jewelry for someone else, for yourself, or both! you will know with this company that it’s not just a business, they’re in the business of changing this world. They pride themselves on providing a unique service that changes how we look at the process of grief all together.
Pets Ashes Into Jewelry
Side note here, but if you have a beloved pet you lost, this is a service that they offer for pets too! I will say, based on my own experience with losing a couple of furry friends over the years, I think it’s worth talking to Eterneva about if fur holds enough of the carbon needed (like hair) to use fur instead of ashes. Let me elaborate…
When we first lost our beloved Tootsie (don’t judge 😏) the veterinarian’s office called us and asked if we wanted her cremated?
They went on to explain that the process lends to many of the animal’s ashes getting slightly mixed together, but they would do their best to give us mostly our beloved pet.

If I’m holding onto these ashes in some special way, “mostly” is not gonna cut it! So my recommendation here, is check with Eterneva and see if you can trim off, or shave some fur and send that instead? Then you will be getting all of your sweet angel back and zero of Stinky (the Terrior down the street who pooped on your flowerbed).

If You’re On The Fence- Read This!
If you’re loved one is sitting on a mantle in an urn, or if that’s what you had been planning, have you considered the future of that urn?
Generations to come will likely not have the same connection to your loved one and then what? Will they just dispose of the urn? Will they toss it aside to collect dust in an attic? Not the beautiful remembrance you had in mind I imagine.
I’m pretty sure a diamond ring, necklace, or other jewelry piece will not so easily be tossed aside. Inheriting family jewelry is heartfelt and treasured (much like the way you want your loved one to be). This is a real diamond!
How Much Ash, Or Hair, Is Needed?
To make a diamond, only about a half cup of ash, or hair, is needed. This can vary and often they can do a lot with even less, so just reach out to them and ask! Don’t forget, at the end of the process you’ll get back any unused portion.
How To Decide & My Driving Force With Promoting This Product
I once went to a medium (more on that in future blogs) and thought people might look at me sideways if they realized that I brought some of my late husband’s hair with me, in a tiny little bag in my purse. Turns out, A LOT of people did the very same thing! I would have much preferred a beautiful diamond on my body, as opposed to the shavings in my purse!
That feeling of- “If only I had known,” is what drives me to get this information to you now. Before you choose to release all of your loved ones ashes over the ocean, or bury their body 6 feet in the ground, I want you to know that you have options that don’t compromise your choice of how you lay your loved one to rest.
I know that some religions are not in support of cremation and turning cremated ashes into jewelry may seem impossible to you. For me the idea of turning ashes into jewelry NEVER entered my mind at all, because there would be no ashes. (The ability to use hair changes all of this).
I also know that if you chose cremation, you may already have a beautiful memorial idea in mind to honor your loved one in a way that they would have loved.
Maybe a motorcycle ride to a favorite spot where you want to release the ashes in a place of significance?
A hike up a 4,000-footer? (I believe my New Hampshire roots are showing)
A beautiful boat ride to a favorite ocean spot?
Maybe you’re so connected to those ashes they’ve been poised on a mantel in a beautiful urn on display?

This process of turning cremated ashes into jewelry does not interfere with those heartfelt tributes!
My best advice is to reach out to Eterneva & see for yourself; you won’t be sorry. I reached out to their company to see if they would accept me as an affiliate (harassed by email until I was accepted 😂), because what they do is truly special and I couldn’t be happier than to be accepted into their family of hard working people!
So If you decide this feels right for you and is in the budget, please use my affiliate link; so they know I’m how you found out about them. You won’t pay extra and I always pass along any savings a company throws my way. Another consideration is that with cremation you’ve likely saved a lot of money that could be used towards this, as opposed to the higher cost of a burial!
payment plans available
Your support allows me to continue helping others through my website, for grief and battling cancer, so for those of you that decide to use my link, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, as I may receive a commission. I promise to never promote anything I’m not passionate about personally. I want you to have the opportunity I didn’t have, because I didn’t know any better- but now you do!
I’d love to see any/all of the beautiful works of art you create by turning your cremated ashes into jewelry, so if you create something amazing, come back here and post it! Whether it’s your pets ashes you turned into jewelry, or the love of your life, ashes into jewelry is the way of the future and I’m happy to be here at the start of it with a company worth raving about.
Creative Ways To Do This

- A graduation gift, particularly if a child lost a parent
- A gift to a parent who lost a child
- A gift to a grieving pet parent. Present them with the opportunity to turn their pet’s ashes into jewelry
- An engagement ring (Extremely meaningful to a daughter not having her Dad to walk her down the aisle- This way he can!)
- After loss of spouse, keep them close to your heart as a necklace
- A gift to a twin who lost their partner in crime, or are separated by distance
- Gift for someone who just lost the most important person in the world to them & will accept nothing from anyone
- A piece of art that can be used in any way you please, on anything you could mount a diamond on
- Cremated ashes into jewelry: to be placed on the second person in a marriage to pass, so they are eternally together (ex: Dad passes, he’s cremated and his ashes are made into a diamond necklace, which gets placed upon the Mother’s neck upon her passing years later)
I could go on forever, with thousands of ideas on how to convert cremated ashes into jewelry (or hair into jewelry). Send me an email at if you want me to send you more ideas! Get as creative as you want to create something truly special to you! Then come back and share! Brag a little about your beloved person! I truly want to hear your story.
Click Here & See Eterneva For Yourself
I went into more detail on my products page; raving about more of my creative ideas on how to turn ashes into jewelry that someone would absolutely melt to have.
Whether you turn:
- Cremated Ashes Into Jewelry
- Pets Ashes Into Jewelry
- Hair Into Jewelry
You’ll be turning someone’s experience into a more pleasant & heartwarming one with this beautiful, memorial gift!