Certified Hypnotherapy
From Can You Cure Cancer? LLC

Live Zoom™ Hypnotherapy Sessions
Sometimes our complex human layers that make us all so different are the very things needing to be addressed.
When this is the case, a live zoom with Heather is the best way to get a more customized treatment session to get the results you desire.
A live Zoom™ option is available for any of the sessions offered.

Hypnotherapy Packages
So many of us struggle with similar hurdles. From these common topics, pre-recorded sessions have been developed to help serve people through these challenges. These videos can be watched and re-watched as often as you like as they’re yours for life.
This is a more economical option for those concerned with cost, as I’ve worked hard to create affordable options for all. Currently unavailable.
🌺 Ho’oponopono Sessions Currently Available For Purchase 🌺
Click Link for more information
Let Heather Leonard DPT Certified Hypnotherapist Help You To Live The Life Of Your Dreams
Hypnosis Options Available
- Carry Grief Without Overwhelm🚫🎢
- Sleep & Ending Insomnia
- End re-living a bad memory
- Attract Commitment (*As Advertised on Facebook™)
- Stop Self Sabotaging
- Self Confidence Booster
- Getting Over An Ex
- Squash Insecurities
- Reduce Stress
- Magnetize A Loving Relationship
- Stop Procrastinating
- Access To ‘New Love’ Feelings On Command
- Receive Custom Sessions- What Do You Need?

Client-Only Facebook™ Group
For those of you who heard about my Loss. Just. Sucks Grief Doesn’t Have To Facebook™ Group, it’s still available. Use this link to access the payment page and gain immediate access. Cost for this group is only $33 a month and gives you access to the entire library of past lives and value posts.
If the link works, spaces are still available.

Loss. Just. Sucks- Grief Doesn't Have To: Healing Accelerator
My flagship program for grieving soulmates is still available if you’re seeing this message!
- 10 Weeks
- 1:1 Coaching Support
- Group Coaching & Support
- Lifetime Access To Core Curriculum: 10 Modules With Videos & Workbooks
- Improvement Guarantee
Click this link to go to program description page
🤔 What Will Hypnotherapy Look Like? Let Me Explain
No you won’t be laying on a couch following the pocket watch as it swings back and forth, back and forth as you’re getting verrrry sleepy.
Sound familiar?
You won’t lose control and be clucking like a chicken.
You will, however, regain control over your life and make beautiful changes at the level of your subconscious, as you drift into a deep state of relaxation.
This can be accomplished from the comfort of your own home and at a time that works for you in any time zone.
You will remain in control of yourself at all times and can return to fully alert at any time of your choosing, or if the need should arise.
Results That Speak For Themselves
15 Minute Hypnosis Session With My 13 Year Old Changed Him Instantly
Of all of the testimonials I’ve received regarding improved relationships, mindset, emotional state, focus, athletic performance and so much more, my personal favorite transformation was my 13 year old overcoming an aversion to artificial strawberry scents and tastes. The same kid has had many other amazing improvements, but this one will always stick with me. I was only a student of hypnotherapy when I had this session with him and honestly even I doubted whether it would fully work, or not. He went from gagging and getting physically ill, at the mere smell of strawberry, to smelling, eating and enjoying it after just one brief 15 minute session performed while I was driving my car! To this day he remains changed. The other reason I’m so impressed with his turn around is that he was a non-believer. Stubborn as they come and convinced his ailment would last a lifetime. I want your success story to be added to my brag book 😉
Why Me?
What makes me different from the rest? When dealing with grief and relationships you need to feel seen, heard and understood. This decision requires trust in who you choose. Here’s what I have to offer that sets me apart.
Doctoral Degree
Having a Doctorate in Physical Therapy allows me to take a different approach to the health of the mind, body & spirit and tackle wellness differently than others in the field of hypnosis.
Unique Techniques
I have developed some of my own processing techniques and strategies that are unique to my programs and are only offered here. My uncommon combination of specialities creates a rare experience.
I’ve been through the major, life altering loss of my husband. Same ocean, very different waters, but I had to overcome a great deal of the same challenges many will face. If you’ve been painfully navigating grief, or unsuccessfully experiencing relationship goals, hypnosis may be the solution you seek.
Choose Your Path
Customization of an individual, tailored path, with freedom to choose the outcome you desire. No need to expose all of your darkest secrets, or wait for years to experience improvements. A necessary approach to helping the hearts of so many various losses, tragedies and vastly different pain.
Or! For those who want a more affordable option and find their desires to be more of a common sentiment, pre-recorded sessions may be a more convenient option, to be watched on your own time, as often as needed.

The Middle 2 Are My Kids. Now 13, My Oldest States: “It was simple and it helped”
An endorsement of any kind from a 13 year old has to count for something. Those of you who know, have likely experienced the silent brooding of a teenager, but in all seriousness… Both of my children are incredibly well adjusted and have genuine smiles every day. Hypnotherapy has become a tool that we use as part of our daily lives to keep our subconscious minds moving us towards the lives we desire.
About Heather
Certified Hypnotherapist
Grief Coach, Blogger, Podcaster, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Mom, Wife->Widower (Cringe 😝) Who comes up with these titles anyway? Human. Aren’t we all? Beautifully Damaged, Relentlessly Determined, Faithful, Kind… The real stuff that matters. I’m just me. A woman who guides others by stripping down the B.S. and telling vulnerable and honest truths. A living, breathing proof of concept that grief and the stuff that happens to us, can retreat to the shadows and allow us back into the spotlight. Our traumas don’t have to define who we are.
“This experience helped me open up the grief that’s been deeply buried for almost two decades. Just recognizing my stuck points has been huge for simply allowing myself the space to begin processing and implementing the strategies discussed.”
“…I highly recommend.”
“I give her 10 stars!”
Did You Hear About My Bonuses On My Podcast?
Just click the button below to send me an email letting me know and I’ll be sure to add bonuses to your hypnotherapy session purchase.