Stop Self Sabotaging

Stop Self Sabotaging
Stop Self Sabotaging

If you’ve come to a place of noticing a pattern within your life of self sabotaging every time something is starting to happen for you, it could be your subconscious mind getting in the way of the life you desire.

You might be thinking- Why would I ever get in my own way of something I desire? Consciously, in your thinking brain… you wouldn’t! Your deeply ingrained subconscious chatter, from past experiences coming to their own conclusions in an attempt to keep you safe, may be to blame.

To explain a little better…. Let’s say that the last 3 relationships you’ve been in ended with heartbreak. Your subconscious mind may have made a connection to relationships ending in heartbreak. Now, every time you come close to a relationship (whether loving, or not) it’s as if a scenario has just been introduced, that your subconscious views as a ‘threat to your happiness’. Now each time you get close to falling in love, you are inadvertently (subconsciously) self sabotaging and end it before you receive the heart break. Your brains way of trying to keep you safe and protected from a repeated pattern it observed.

While it’s wonderful that our mind wants to protect us from future heartbreak, what if we are seeking a healthy, loving connection? What if you’re ready to step into the unknown confidently? How can you do that with a subconscious program that views relationships as a threat to your very wellbeing?

This is simple…. you have to change the subconscious message that is self sabotaging.

This is where hypnosis comes in. The hypnotherapy sessions will put the control back in your hands and put a stop to your pattern of self sabotaging just before you achieve your desires.

This video session will help shed light on whatever may be blocking you from achieving your goals by removing the self sabotaging tendencies. This session will help you to successfully remove any barriers, whether conscious or unconscious. After this session you will be able to achieve your desires effortlessly without personal interference through sabotage. This was created to give you a tool in your toolbox to allow you to have a life you desire with simplicity around your mental state and achieve it more effortlessly (not from a place of fear).

This post and session are not intended to be a substitute for counseling, or professional help, but more of a companion that is there to support you and assist you whenever you feel you need it. By making this brave decision, you will be rewarded with better patterns and the insight and ability to grow beyond methods that don’t serve you.

Nothing represented here is medical advice. Hypnotherapy should be used as a supplement, not a replacement for, mental health treatments and therapies. See full disclaimer at this link.

Heather Leonard is a Mindvalley Paul McKenna Certified Hypnotherapist.


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Posted on

January 26, 2024

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