Sleep & End Insomnia

Sleep & Ending Insomnia
Sleep & Ending Insomnia

Sleep is essential to our wellbeing. Mind, body and spirit health rely on a healing sleep schedule. It’s crucial to take the steps to end insomnia.

I’ve done extensive research in the area of sleep and particularly for those with emotional struggles, lack of proper sleep can be causing an endless loop of things going poorly in life. The best way to make effective changes is to address what’s happening at the subconscious level of the mind and that’s exactly what hypnotherapy does.

These sessions are not intended to be a substitute for counseling, or professional help, but more of a companion that is there to support you and assist you whenever you feel you need it. The sessions will provide you with confidence to successfully remove any barriers, whether conscious or unconscious, that have been getting in your way of your struggle to end insomnia and getting beautiful, healing rest.

After this session, you should see this as a tool in your tool box to use to support you when and as needed. These sessions are created to help shed light on whatever may be blocking you from getting restful sleep. The sessions will help you to be able to effortlessly drift off into deep healing, REM sleep. By making this brave decision you will be rewarded with better rest and rejuvenation, giving you the ability to grow beyond patterns that don’t serve you.

These hypnosis sessions are extremely powerful for those experiencing profound grief, as sleep is largely effected during times of grief. The grieving typically fall into two categories: those who bury their hurt and distract themselves throughout the day until they collapse as soon as their head hit the pillow, or those who lay awake at night perseverating on difficult emotions and reliving painful memories. In either circumstance, the subconscious mind is not given the opportunity to create healthy messaging. The window of opportunity to change the subconscious is either being rushed over as you fall quickly to sleep, or it’s being flooded with all of the wrong messaging as your negative thoughts get stuck on replay.

In finding a way to end insomnia, you can allow your subconscious mind to move past the painful impact of grief on your health. These hypnosis sessions are aimed at improving sleep patterns regardless of if you are crashing from exhaustion, or in a pattern of no sleep and looking to end insomnia. The implications of poor sleep cannot be underestimated. Poor sleep patterns can lead to poor focus, reduced energy, limitations around healing, mood disruptions and so much more.

These sessions are not intended for individuals experiencing narcolepsy and are not a replacement for medications. Be sure to inform any physician who may be following you for sleep related difficulties, so that they are aware, as major improvements are likely and may impact prescriptions you’re currently taking.

For anyone experiencing dramatic sleep interruptions, it’s crucial to end insomnia and give yourself immediate health improvement, regardless of the avenue you choose to pursue. I encourage you to take a step that aligns to get you that healing rest.

Nothing represented here is medical advice. Hypnotherapy should be used as a supplement, not a replacement for, mental health treatments and therapies. See full disclaimer at this link.

Heather Leonard is a Mindvalley™ Paul McKenna Certified Hypnotherapist.


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Posted on

December 30, 2023

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