Not seeing the Hypnosis sessions that you desire? That’s ok, that’s what makes us all unique. During Session 1 of 3 we will go over all of your goals and establish a custom package made just to help you achieve your desired results.
Just start by making a list of what you feel like is holding you back from getting the things in life you desire and bring it with you to the first session. The subsequent hypnosis sessions will focus on subconscious message reframing (in other words- getting the background message in your deep, unconscious thoughts to align with that which you want).
These Hypnosis sessions will help to highlight the aspects you want to embrace and move into the shadows those subconscious thoughts that you wish to dampen. The sessions will help you to successfully remove any barriers, whether conscious or unconscious, within your belief systems around achieving your desires. After these sessions you will feel free of the voices of self doubt and feel filled with a renewed confidence. You deserve that effortless belief within yourself to know that you can handle anything life throws your way with ease.
This was created to give you a tool within your toolbox that both gives you a boost and eliminates self doubt and insecurity when needed. This post and subsequent hypnosis sessions are not intended to be a substitute for counseling or professional help, but more of a companion that is there to support you and assist you whenever you feel you need it. By making this brave decision you will be rewarded with better insight and ability to grow beyond patterns that don’t serve you. You deserve to love your life. 🥰
Hypnosis can have powerful impacts on our life experiences. If you have an aspiration yet limit yourself from trying to achieve it, there could be subconscious messages from past experiences standing in your way. These subconscious messages can date back to childhood, or be an accumulation of events that have occurred throughout your life. Either way, those limiting beliefs that have been established are currently skewing how you view and interact with the world. The message that’s speaking to your inner programming on repeat can be hidden and challenging to identify. Hypnosis sessions will aim to identify and change the subconscious messaging that’s holding you back from whatever you desire.
These sessions are designed to aid you in achieving your greatest manifestations.
Nothing represented here is medical advice. Hypnotherapy should be used as a supplement, not a replacement for, mental health treatments and therapies. See full disclaimer at this link.
Heather Leonard is a Mindvalley Paul McKenna Certified Hypnotherapist.