Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian tradition of cleansing oneself to make right & restore balance. A Hawaiian spiritual practice of healing by accepting total responsibility. Minimum Cleaning of 3 hours per (1) quantity purchased.
Ho’oponopono is not about fixing those around you, or cleaning the energy of the space you’re in. Ho’oponopono is all about self and attempting to get yourself to zero (think of it like a clean slate). Utilizing Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala’s Zero Limits™ method, upon purchase, cleaning will be initiated to assist in cleansing and improving healing and restoring balance. (While this process is not aimed at fixing relationships, spaces and circumstances, the process of cleaning self is what acts as the catalyst to improve those aspects and provides substantial, secondary benefits).
This method is a tool to help open intuition up with improved clarity and an attempt to access an inner wisdom. My initial introduction to Ho’oponopono was from a classmate mentioning its power and my research brought me to what outwardly would appear as a very basic 4 phrase prayer that I learned about through this YouTube video. My further studies brought me to wanting to find a way to bring this intensely powerful process to all of you.
Dr. Ihalekala was able to heal an entire mental ward with using this self-cleaning method. That mental institution is no longer there, as he his work healed the people, the space, the land…. himself.
As a Certified Ho’oponopono Practitioner, Heather has been trained to offer Ho’oponopono cleaning with an understanding of how to rebalance, but never expect to change others, or the circumstances around us by trying to cleanse other’s energy.
Video recordings of time spent cleaning can be provided if requested prior to sessions, however, as the session is done remotely and in silence, the video intention would just satisfy assurance of time allotted to your circumstance, or business.
Nothing represented here is medical advice. Ho’oponopono/Zero Limits™ should be used as a supplement, not a replacement for, mental health treatments and therapies. See full disclaimer at this link.