Recent Blog Posts
Last Wish Wishes, End Of Life Wishes, Final Wishes, Death Wishes & Living Without Regret: 5 Ideas Or 1?
Call it what you want, last wish wishes are finding a way at the end of life to not be burdened with regret. What goes through the mind of the dying?
Abundant Life & Abundant Grace For More Amazing Abundant Health
How to get a more abundant life with more abundant health and what grace has to do with it all
How To Lower Cortisol That Is Making You Sick & The Signs You Should Be Aware Of
Knowing how to lower cortisol is essential to health. This blog explains the role of cortisol to sickness, signs & symptoms to be aware of and how to reduce cortisol that is making you sick.
Moral Support & Advantage Of Having An Emotional Support Animal…Or 2
Moral Support & What It Looks Like This blog on emotional support animals and moral support is not intended to treat, diagnose or advise. See my full disclaimer if you want to read further. Let's face it, if you're grieving, dealing with a cancer diagnosis- or any...
7 Stages Of Grief & Reveal Why We Call It A Grief ‘Process’
The 7 Stages of Grief is adapted from Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s original 5 grief stages identified in her book On Death and Dying
What Is Cancer Remission? {5 Tips To Stay Aligned with your goal}
Remission, or no remission? How to keep moving towards your goal. Cancer Remission Definition Remission: A decrease in or disappearance of signs and symptoms of cancer. In partial remission, some, but not all, signs and symptoms of cancer have disappeared. In complete...
Turn Cremated Ashes Into Jewelry That Is Stunning! Don’t Let The Death Of Your Loved 1 Mean Goodbye, Let Eterneva Keep Them By Your Side Forever!
Eterneva Is My New Favorite Company! As an affiliate of this company, I may receive a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my link, but you will not pay anything additional and your support helps me keep helping others. I only promote products I love!...
What Immunotherapy Looks Like From 1 Patient’s Perspective- Feeling Scared ? Be Prepared!
Whether you saw a commercial on television, or your doctor mentioned it at your last visit, if you're looking for information on immunotherapy, you're in the right place.When my husband, Barry, and I heard the term immunotherapy for the first time, after his cancer...
The Grief Process: Accepting Tragedy & Becoming Okay With Moving From A Pair- To A Party Of 1!
The grief process can be daunting and you have to find a way to become confident in your solitude. The process of grief is a marathon you can handle!
1) It’s October! 2) Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 3) Get Your Teats Checked! Wait Breast Cancer Awareness Men? Read On! Stitch Says- I Scream For Screening!
October! Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Time for breast cancer screening! Breast cancer awareness men, pets and women! Cancer Prevention.
Welcome to Stitch’s Corner! Designed to force a smile on even the darkest of days.
When your resting face is sad...Turn that frown upside down! If You're Struggling To Force A Smile- TurnYour Frown Upside Down! So yes, fun play on words, but for real there are DARK days with cancer and there are DARK days when you're grieving. Whether you lost a...
Grief Counseling For Children? Kids, Coping & How To Talk To Your Kids About Devastating Loss & Grief
“Are you going to have your kids talk to someone?” Probably the most common question I’ve received from people since the loss of my husband. I get this question from well-meaning friends and family, other grieving parents and quite frankly, perfect strangers.
Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew! Be Grateful For The Little Things
We all learned something that day. We learned that we all need to have limits and voice them.
How To Find A Doctor For Your Cancer Now: 7 Quick Tips
So the doctor just told you that you have CANCER! I’m sure it sounds like someone else’s life. I know when my husband, Barry, received the results of his MRI, showing three brain tumors, panic set in. We couldn’t find a doctor/practitioner fast enough!
Help With Grief And What To Do After Your Spouse Dies {Plus the #1 Checklist You Need: After Death of Spouse Checklist!}
My Spiral- This Blog Is To Help With Grief, But Also To Help Prepare You For The Unexpected Following The Death Of A Loved One As my husband Barry's cancer progressed, we had time to attempt to get our "affairs in order," so to speak. We made sure everything we owned...
Cancer Is Terrifying! Causes Of Cancer & 3 Important Ways To Change Course
My husband Barry asked me an incredibly profound question about a week before he passed away from cancer. Ironically, by that time he wasn't making too much sense quite often. It was just the visiting nurse, Sarah and me in the room. He said- "How did we get here?" I...